Six Days

A famous book tells us that the world was created in only six days.

Six days after a lower case messiah elected by talking monkeys takes office, he’s managed to destroy the entire American auto market (and the industries that supply it) with a single statement about his impending emissions policy shift.

I guess this fascist ass clown really is the talking monkeys’ deliverer.

Fifty different states, setting fifty different emissions’ standards, ends with fifty different automobile companies unanimously saying they can no longer build cars for the American market as soon as said policy is adopted.

Happy now, you shit-flinging chimp-brains?

Still clinging to hope?

Still feasting on change?

Still crapping in your own hand to prove you’re one of the chosen?

Enjoy the ride — or the lack thereof — you morons.


“My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of  the world.   I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it.”
– United States Senator Barry Soetoro
, IL (D)
For Hope – For Change – For The Moron Trapped Inside All Of Us

Today’s the Day!

Today marks the first day of the most unprecedented time in American history.

Today begins as the first day of eight — yes, eight, not four — years’ worth of the American media never once reporting there’s anything wrong with anything.

Everything is peachy.  Everything is golden.


Because the media’s messiah can never be questioned, judged or otherwise scrutinized for ANY reason whatsoever.

We’re about to see the nation’s biggest closeout sale on what was once called “journalistic integrity” in its entire history.

Hooray!  It’s finally OVER!

Hooray!  WE’RE finally over!


Wlado Watches Wallflowers Waking Up

From a private e-mail:

Yeah, well looks like 1984 is coming sooner than we think! Before long they’ll have very aspect of our lives monitored and surveilled!

To which The Blank replied:

London operates three shifts with 18,000 pairs of eyes monitoring JUST that one city’s surveillance cameras, 24/7, 365 — and that information is six years old.

We’re introducing basically the same ballot initiative measure that Nevada used to block its fascists tomorrow, 1.12.09.

Nevada’s read:  NRS 484.910 Use by governmental entity or agent of photographic, video or digital equipment to gather evidence for issuance of traffic citation.  A governmental entity and any agent thereof shall not use photographic, video or digital equipment for gathering evidence to be used for the issuance of a traffic citation for a violation of this chapter unless the equipment is held in the hand or installed temporarily or permanently within a vehicle or facility of a law enforcement agency.

When and if Pima County’s predominantly psycho fascist Democrat majority (we’re rife with refugee Kalifornians and displaced La Raza fuckwads) defeats the measure statewide by spreading their usual fear mongering bullshit, we’ll be ready with Option 3.

Don’t ask what Option 2 is, because it’s still in play.

Remember, too…

…Orwell’s vision only succeeded because the English gave up their means to defend themselves against tyranny a long time ago.

Free Men — Men who do not live in slave states like Hawaii, Kalifornia, Illinois, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Missouri, New Jersey, Massachusetts and that festering shit-filled swamp known as DC — have not… And we’re willing to give up those groveling gravel pits of human despair to be left the fuck alone.

“He told me the nature of the disease required so sharp a remedy,  and asked me if I would give my consent. I told him yes, in this and what else soever, if he resolved upon it, I would venture my life.”

– Thomas Wintour, Friend of Guy Fawkes