Remember, Remember, the FOURTH of November…

As I sit here on the eve of this nightmare national election, I can’t help but wonder if I’m experiencing exactly what that ridiculed handful of thinking Germans must have felt the night before their deaf, dumb and blind neighbors voted to install Hitler as that socialist country’s Savior Elect.

Think this comparison mere ranting hyperbole?

I might have, too — if the two main contenders for Supreme American Chancellor hadn’t just voted to nationalize our banking system, that is.  And since ANY criticism of the de facto winner will be considered a “hate crime” from this day forward, I would hope you folks will know when to shut up while you’re being saved from yourselves.  I’m just trying to figure out what sort of yellow symbol will be pinned to the arms of all those evil “rich” we’re being told to despise as sub-human vermin preying on the weak and pure of hope.

It’s all so similar.

It’s all so easy.

It’s all so, so sad.

Remember, though, that one year and a day from now, it will again be the FIFTH of November.
